spa garden in Bad Bevensen, © Bad Bevensen Marketing GmbH/Markus Tiemann
© Bad Bevensen Marketing GmbH/Markus Tiemann

Bad Bevensen - Iod­ine brine spa and ac­cess­ible re­sort

The Bad Bevensen iod­ine brine spa lies in the Lüneb­urg Heath and has everything you need for a re­vital­ising break. The whole town is ‘Travel for All’ cer­ti­fied, which means it provides dis­abled people with de­tailed in­form­a­tion about ac­cess­ib­il­ity.

Hol­i­day plan­ning made easy

Bad Bevensen of­fers a wide range of ac­cess­ible at­trac­tions. De­tailed in­form­a­tion is avail­able about all at­trac­tions to make it easi­er to plan your trip. Sev­er­al ac­com­mod­a­tion op­tions as well as the iod­ine brine thermal springs and the spa re­sort are fully cer­ti­fied. There is also in­form­a­tion avail­able about get­ting to and trav­el­ling around Bad Bevensen.

An ease­ful hol­i­day that’s good for your health

Bad Bevensen is a min­er­al spa in the pop­u­lar Lüneb­urg Heath which makes for an idyll­ic, re­lax­ing and re­fresh­ing hol­i­day. Take care of your­self with a unique com­bin­a­tion of well­ness and re­lax­a­tion.

Bad Bevensen Marketing GmbH

Dahlenburger Str. 1
29549 Bad Bevensen
Phone: +49 (0) 5821 / 976830


Arrival planning

Plan your journey to „Bad Bevensen - Iodine brine spa and accessible resort“ with Google Maps.