Glockensee, © Gemeinde Bad Laer
© Gemeinde Bad Laer

Bad Laer - Salt Wa­ter Health Re­sort

The var­ied land­scape of Bad Laer at­tracts vis­it­ors with a vari­ety of cyc­ling and hik­ing trails, many of which lead dir­ectly through the cent­ral spa gar­dens. In­cid­ent­ally, this is the per­fect place to take a breath­er: the in­hal­a­tion pa­vil­ion is the per­fect place to take a deep breath, while a wa­ter tread­ing pool of­fers tingling brine re­fresh­ment. The Glock­ensee lake in­vites you to re­lax and nu­mer­ous ad­ven­ture sta­tions in­vite you to util­ise your new-found en­ergy.

But the his­tor­ic centre of the spa town also de­serves a vis­it: you can stroll through the lov­ingly re­stored half-timbered houses to your heart's con­tent. In the pre­dom­in­antly own­er-man­aged shops and res­taur­ants, ad­vice and hos­pit­al­ity are still very im­port­ant. Last but not least, there are many culin­ary de­lights to dis­cov­er here - from Gal­lo­way beef from our own breed to the ori­gin­al Laer­er ‘Piep­stein’ praline, a chocolaty dream made of cream canache that looks con­fus­ingly sim­il­ar to the build­ing ma­ter­i­al of the same name, which was formed from brine de­pos­its.

Your health hol­i­day

The brine spa Bad Laer, loc­ated in the coun­tryside just a few kilo­metres south of Osnab­rück, has long made a name for it­self in the health sec­tor. Guests can en­joy the heal­ing power of the 7.2 per cent brine in the mod­ern SoleV­i­tal spa centre or in the tem­per­at­ure-con­trolled out­door brine pool. But everything else in this pop­u­lar health re­sort is also centred around brine. The salty treas­ure from the depths of the earth can be ex­per­i­enced here in all its fa­cets, from the fine brine mist to the sol­id ‘peep stone’.

A vis­it to the SoleV­i­tal is a great way to fully sa­vour the be­ne­fi­cial ef­fects of the Laer­er brine. In a vari­ety of wa­ter courses and dur­ing free swim­ming times, guests can en­joy the highest level of brine pleas­ure at a cosy 32 °C.

Bad Laer Touristik GmbH

Glandorfer Straße 5
49196 Bad Laer
Phone: +49 (0) 5424 29110


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