Derneburg Castle Art Museum from outside, © Hall Art Foundation / Gertraud Lauber
© Hall Art Foundation / Gertraud Lauber

Derneb­urg Castle Art Mu­seum (Kun­st­mu­seum Schloss Derneb­urg)

The Derneb­urg Castle Art Mu­seum holds vari­ous ex­hib­i­tions of con­tem­por­ary art for a wide audi­ence in a unique his­tor­ic­al set­ting.

The his­tory of the castle, which is close to Han­over, dates back al­most one thou­sand years. It served as a con­vent and then as a mon­as­tery for hun­dreds of years. In the 19th cen­tury it was taken over by the dukes of Mün­ster, who com­mis­sioned the renowned Han­over Ar­chi­tects to con­vert it in­to a coun­try res­id­ence. The artist Georg Basel­itz bought the es­tate in 1970 and used it as a home and stu­dio for about 30 years un­til its sale in 2006. 

Since then, the castle and the neigh­bour­ing demesne have been am­al­gam­ated again and turned in­to ex­hib­i­tion spaces. Today, it is one of Europe’s biggest privately-owned mu­seums open to the pub­lic fo­cus­ing on con­tem­por­ary art.

The demesne also in­cludes the Sculp­ture Park with works by Tracey Em­in, Alicja Kwade, Jeppe Hein, Georg Basel­itz and Ju­li­an Schna­bel amongst oth­ers, as well as the castle’s in-house café in the cloister and the tea room with in­teg­rated book­shop.

Guided art tours of se­lec­ted ex­hib­i­tions are avail­able. There are his­tor­ic­al tours of the castle grounds on the week­ends.The Derneb­urg Castle Art Mu­seum is open to vis­it­ors every Sat­urday and Sunday from 11.00 to 17.00. For fur­ther in­form­a­tion, please vis­it sdmu­

Kunstmuseum Schloss Derneburg

Schlossstraße 1
31188 Holle


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