© Andreas Burmann/ TMN!
© Andreas Burmann/ TMN!

En­er­gie- und Er­leb­nis-Zen­trum Ost­fries­land (En­ergy- and Ad­ven­ture-Cen­ter)

ServiceQualität Deutschland
Kinderferienland Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony)
Reisen für Alle

Im­press­ive ex­per­i­ments and hands-on sta­tions on the en­ergy sources of the fu­ture and the chal­lenges of the en­ergy trans­ition await the guests. In the en­ergy game, you can test your ex­per­i­enced and learned know­ledge and in­ter­act­ively design your own en­ergy trans­ition on touch­screens. The "En­ergy Tower" is spec­tac­u­lar: the breath­tak­ing power of en­ergy can be felt up close by means of a 360° pro­jec­tion. Vis­it­ors are right in the middle of the ac­tion. The new en­ergy garden in the out­door area com­bines play­ing with the vari­ous re­gen­er­at­ive forms of en­ergy. It is set up as an ad­ven­ture play­ground. Air is used to launch rock­ets, seesaws and hand pumps are used to op­er­ate a wa­ter stor­age power plant, or a merry-go-round is used to gen­er­ate en­ergy. A high­light of the ex­hib­i­tion is the walk-in ma­chine house and the ro­tor blade of a wind tur­bine. A nature dis­cov­ery trail also in­vites vis­it­ors to walk around the build­ing. Fun for the whole fam­ily.


Energie- und Erlebnis-Zentrum Ostfriesland

Osterbusch 2
26607 Aurich
Phone: +49 (0) 4941 / 698460


Arrival planning

Plan your journey to „Energie- und Erlebnis-Zentrum Ostfriesland (Energy- and Adventure-Center)“ with Google Maps.