Heidehotel Bad Bevensen in the Lüneburger Heide

Heidehotel Bad Bevensen is located in a quiet location on the edge of woodland in the spa town of Bad Bevensen in the Lüneburger Heide. Generous rooms, a sun deck and a beautiful woodland garden ensure a relaxing holiday in an elegant atmosphere. The guest house's excellent kitchen offers a generous breakfast and dinner buffet. There is also an extensive programme of leisure and cultural activities.
The hotel is designed to be completely accessible for wheelchair users and meets the needs of people with physical disabilities. For relaxation, there is a spa area with organic sauna, sauna, steam bath, relaxation rooms, sports room and physiotherapy practice. The hotel offers single and double rooms, all with a telephone, television and emergency call button. Where personal care is needed, the hotel can put guests in contact with a mobile nursing service in Bad Bevensen.
The guest house is ideal for guests with physical disabilities, wheelchair users and the elderly. Groups are also welcome. The building has several seminar and group rooms and is part of the Fürst Donnersmarck-Stiftung organisation (FDS). FDS acts as a partner for people with disabilities as they take part in all aspects of life.