outdoor area, © Bad Bevensen / Tiemann
© Bad Bevensen / Tiemann

Jod-Sole-Ther­me Bad Bevensen

Reisen für Alle

Source of com­fort in the Lüneb­urg Heath. Warm bright col­ors, floor to ceil­ing glass win­dows and large wa­ter­scapes - when you come to Bad Bevensen to take a swim for the first time may be sur­prised by the tran­quil­ity and serenity in the ex­tens­ive Jod-Sole-Ther­me.

While bathing in the heal­ing wa­ters of the Jod-Sole-Ther­me rest, re­lax­a­tion and health are ob­vi­ously in the fore­ground. After a nearly two-year renov­a­tion peri­od, the bathing area shows it­self very mod­ern on the in­side and out­side. From the vi­tal pool and the health pool un­der the roof of the Jod-Sole-Ther­me you eas­ily have ac­cessto the two out­door pools and the sauna area. These can be used with the tick­et of the Jod-Sole-Ther­me as free as the rest rooms, sand bath, wa­ter sound-bath and the car­dio fit­ness equip­ment at the Spa & Health Cen­ter. Dur­ing treat­ment-free peri­ods you can freely use the Aqua sound re­lax­ing bath.

The Jod-Sole-Ther­me in Bad Bevensen is the centre of the health and well­ness ser­vices in the Lüneb­urg Heath. Im­merse your­self in the bub­bling warmth of the Jod-Sole heal­ing springs, re­lax in the spa­cious sauna or en­joy one of the pam­per­ing of­fers at the Spa & Health Cen­ter. Even a single day will help you to draw new strength for your every­day life.

Spe­cial Of­fers:
In the more than 1,000 square meter out­door pool you can re­lax all year round in 32 ° C warm iod­ine-sa­line thermal wa­ters. A mod­ern health pool (35 ° C) and a new vi­tal­ity pool (32 ° C) with many at­trac­tions such as single jac­uzzis, Cham­pag­n­er­spru­dler, Boden­blub­bern and vari­ous mas­sage jets leave noth­ing to be de­sired.

In our spa bis­tro a var­ied of­fer of healthy food with fresh salads, juices and vari­ous teas are served.

Jod-Sole-Therme Bad Bevensen

Dahlenburger Str. 3
29549 Bad Bevensen
Phone: +49 (0) 5821 / 5776


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