Sonnenuntergang im Sommer, © Kurverwaltung Juist
© Kurverwaltung Juist
Luftaufnahme von Juist, © Kurverwaltung Juist
© Kurverwaltung Juist

Juist - North Sea Health Re­sort

The East Frisi­an is­land of Juist is rightly nick­named ‘Töwer­land’ (ma­gic land). Any­one ar­riv­ing here ex­per­i­ences a dif­fer­ent world: once you pass the har­bour with its im­pos­ing nav­ig­a­tion mark, you con­tin­ue ashore with horse-drawn carts and hand­carts. The stress of every­day life is ‘ma­gicked away’.

Car-free Juist is best ex­plored on foot, by bike or in a horse-drawn car­riage. With a con­sist­ent and au­then­t­ic sus­tain­ab­il­ity policy, Juist is well on the way to be­com­ing a cli­mate-neut­ral and sus­tain­able is­land. Juist won the Ger­man Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Award in 2015 and has CSR cer­ti­fic­a­tion from Green Globe.

The unique nature on Juist is also worth men­tion­ing, with its salt marshes, dune land­scape, mys­tic­al forest and the Ham­mersee bi­otope. End­less dunes and long white beaches char­ac­ter­ise the land­scape and in­vite you to swim in the North Sea or go hik­ing on the is­land.
Your health hol­i­day

Wel­come to Juist, the Töwer­land. Both the en­vir­on­ment and your health breathe a sigh of re­lief here.  On Juist, al­most everything re­volves around your health. Thalasso is the ma­gic word. Ex­per­i­ence the power of the sea dur­ing a walk along the sea­shore or dur­ing the thalas­so­ther­apy pro­grammes. The most im­port­ant be­ne­fi­cial factors are the dust-free North Sea air, the low-al­ler­gen sea air en­riched with tiny salt particles and the sea­wa­ter with its nu­mer­ous healthy in­gredi­ents. Our thalas­so­ther­apy with a bath in the North Sea, whatever the weath­er and whatever the tem­per­at­ure.

The health-pro­mot­ing of­fer on Juist is roun­ded off by a wide range of health of­fers in the Thal­laso Centre Töwer­Vital with sea­wa­ter ad­ven­ture pool and beach pan­or­ama sauna.

An an­nu­al high­light is the Juist Health Week, when nu­mer­ous lec­tures by health ex­perts and many courses en­cour­age guests to join in.


Kurverwaltung Juist

Strandstraße 5
26571 Juist
Phone: +49 (0) 4935 / 809107


Arrival planning

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