Suntrap Bad Bevensen, © BBM/ Nina Lüdemann
© BBM/ Nina Lüdemann

Kur­park (Spa Gar­dens) Bad Bevensen

ServiceQualität Deutschland
Reisen für Alle

Vis­it­ors can walk from the Old Town over five bridges in­to the beau­ti­ful Kur­park. At­tract­ive ped­es­tri­an and bike paths lead dir­ectly in­to the spa quarter. The Kur­park, com­pris­ing ap­prox­im­ately 12 hec­tares of land, sur­rounds a spa re­sort. The area gradu­ally de­veloped in­to its cur­rent shape and size from the 1970s on­wards, after the con­struc­tion of the spa re­sort. Over 560 trees, the old­est of these al­most 180 years old, provide vis­it­ors with shade in the sum­mer. Many of the ap­prox­im­ately 90 vari­et­ies of tree, such as the Caucasi­an wing­nut and the Chinese cryp­to­meria, were in fact im­por­ted from realms far, far away. Sun-lov­ers can also re­lax in the park dur­ing the cool­er sea­sons of the year. The sun trap of­fers a place to rest, pro­tec­ted from the wind and the weath­er. As the sun’s rays enter, the heat is stored in the glass build­ing and the clay wall. High-qual­ity wooden fur­niture in­vites you to sit or lie down. In re­cent years, the Kur­park has un­der­gone a sub­stan­tial re­design. Sev­er­al paths have been re-routed to make them weath­er-res­ist­ant and wheel­chair-friendly. In 2011, the large wooden per­gola and the lake prom­en­ade were ad­ded as part of the Ra­bat­ten­park.

Bad Bevensen Marketing GmbH

Dahlenburger Str. 1
29549 Bad Bevensen
Phone: +49 (0) 5821 / 976830


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