Moorpadd, © MOORWELTEN Europäisches Fachzentrum Moor und Klima GmbH/ Remigius Konietzny
© MOORWELTEN Europäisches Fachzentrum Moor und Klima GmbH/ Remigius Konietzny

MOOR­WEL­TEN – European Com­pet­ence Centre for Moor and Cli­mate

Reisen für Alle

The MOOR­WEL­TEN ex­hib­i­tion presents the sig­ni­fic­ance of the moors for cli­mate pro­tec­tion in an in­ter­act­ive, mul­ti­me­dia way. Here you can learn why the crane and oth­er mi­grat­ory birds are found in such large num­bers on the Dieph­olz moors today. You can test your know­ledge on vari­ous bird spe­cies in a bird quiz, while the bare­foot park of­fers plenty of space for in­di­vidu­al touch ex­per­i­ences. Young­er vis­it­ors can let off steam in the moor­land sheep ad­ven­ture world, while their par­ents re­lax in the out­door res­taur­ant. Moor ex­per­i­ence tours are offered every Sat­urday and Sunday, provid­ing a chance to ex­per­i­ence the moor with all the senses.

Moorwelten -Europäisches Fachzentrum Moor und Klima Wagenfeld GmbH

Auf dem Sande 11
49419 Wagenfeld-Ströhen
Phone: +49 (0) 5774 / 9978220


Arrival planning

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