This is how one once lived in the country: an experience for the whole family, © Michael Stephan/ Museumsdorf Cloppenburg
© Michael Stephan/ Museumsdorf Cloppenburg

Open-air Mu­seum Clop­pen­burg

Kinderferienland Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony)

The open-air mu­seum is the old­est one in Ger­many, de­signed as a vil­lage mu­seum. With some 250,000 vis­it­ors per year, it is one of the most pop­u­lar mu­seums in North­ern Ger­many for a good reas­on. The work, hous­ing and liv­ing con­di­tions of the coun­try pop­u­la­tion in Nieder­sachsen (Lower Sax­ony) from the late Middle Ages to the 1950s are doc­u­mented here with the help of more than 50 com­pletely fur­nished his­tor­ic­al build­ings.

The vil­lage mu­seum in­vites you to spend a nice, in­form­at­ive and di­verse day. En­joy the spe­cial vil­lage at­mo­sphere and the im­press­ive farm­houses, re­lax with cof­fee and cake in the tra­di­tion­al "Dor­fk­rug" (the vil­lage's pub) and en­joy the freshly baked bread from the baker.

Museumsdorf Cloppenburg

Bether Straße 6
49661 Cloppenburg
Phone: +49 (0) 4471 / 94840


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