Im Zoo Osnabrück leben vom Aussterben bedrohte Sumatra-Tiger, © Zoo Osnabrück
© Zoo Osnabrück

Osnab­rück Zoo

Kinderferienland Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony)
Reisen für Alle

Opened in 1936 as a “do­mest­ic an­im­al garden”, Osnab­rück Zoo is now home to some 2,700 an­im­als of al­most 300 spe­cies, while the vari­ous themed areas, with spa­cious en­clos­ures provid­ing an up-close and per­son­al ex­per­i­ence, cov­er an area of 23.5 hec­tares. Many areas of the zoo have been ren­ov­ated and mod­ern­ised in the last few years, mean­ing that vis­it­ors can now vis­it the world’s only Un­der­ground Zoo, the Afric­an Sam­buru and Takaman­da areas, the Asi­an An­gkor Wat and the Nor­d­ic-themed Ka­jana­land. Every an­im­al lov­er will find their fa­vour­ites at Osnab­rück Zoo, wheth­er it be ele­phants, lions, gir­affes or meerkats. At reg­u­lar feed­ing present­a­tions, vis­it­ors can learn which pen­guin prefers to take its fish straight from the hand and what is so spe­cial about the hy­brid bears called Tips and Taps.

The zoo is a great des­tin­a­tion in any weath­er: the in­door Tetra Aquar­i­um and Chim­pan­zee House are home to a whole host of fas­cin­at­ing creatures. The per­man­ent ex­hib­i­tion Klima­to­pia in­forms vis­it­ors of all ages about cli­mate change and its con­sequences. Many vis­it­ors choose to save money with the an­nu­al fam­ily tick­et, al­low­ing them to see chim­pan­zees, meerkats and all the rest at any time of year, or let loose at the four ad­ven­ture play­grounds.


Zoo Osnabrück gGmbH

Klaus-Strick-Weg 12
49082 Osnabrück
Phone: +49 (0) 541 / 951050


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