© TMN/Markus Tiemann
© TMN/Markus Tiemann

Park der Gärten

ServiceQualität Deutschland
Kinderferienland Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony)
Reisen für Alle

Ex­per­i­ence 140,000 m² of nature with all your senses! One of the most splen­did parks in Ger­many in­vites young and old alike to ex­per­i­ence its charms. Wheth­er you are search­ing for ideas for your own garden, or want to im­merse your­self in mag­ni­fi­cent garden design, or simply wish to spend a re­lax­ing day with fam­ily and friends: all this and plenty more can be found in the Park der Gärten. As one of the most beau­ti­ful parks in Ger­many, the former Na­tion­al Hor­ti­cul­tur­al Show 2002 de­lights its vis­it­ors every year anew as a unique, in­ter­na­tion­al meet­ing point for garden and nature lov­ers across the gen­er­a­tions. Look for­ward to a unique com­bin­a­tion of garden design and nature simply do­ing what it does best. The Park der Gärten is Ger­many’s largest show garden, and al­ways sur­prises its guests with new in­spir­a­tions and ideas from spring right in­to the au­tumn.

You can ex­pect an in­tox­ic­at­ing ar­ray of hor­ti­cul­tur­al and cul­tur­al at­trac­tions: over 90 show gar­dens, plant col­lec­tions and oth­er con­tri­bu­tions as well as thou­sands of spring and sum­mer flowers of­fer you a fas­cin­at­ing in­sight in­to the world of gar­dens and lots of in­form­a­tion and ideas. This in­cludes the new ex­per­i­ence ex­hib­i­tion The Green Treas­ure Chest with its six themed areas and the com­pre­hens­ive data­base on the 9,000 plants in the park.

Unique, de­signed play areas, such as the wa­ter play­ground, the climb­ing play­ground or the lookout tower, de­light vis­it­ors of all ages. Vis­it this unique park and ex­per­i­ence unadul­ter­ated ‘garden lust’!

Park der Gärten

Elmendorfer Straße 40
26160 Bad Zwischenahn
Phone: 04403 81 960


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