© Martin Elsen
© Martin Elsen

Roy­al Gar­dens of Her­ren­hausen

Reisen für Alle

The Roy­al Gar­dens of Her­ren­hausen in Han­nov­er are among the most beau­ti­ful parks in Europe. Three styles of garden art are presen­ted here in per­fec­tion. The “Großer Garten” (Great Garden) im­presses with its Baroque or­na­ment­a­tion and su­perb foun­tains. The grotto de­signed by Niki de Saint Phalle adds col­our­ful ele­ments of mod­ern art to the mix.

The Her­ren­hausen Palace, formerly sum­mer res­id­ence of the Roy­al House of Han­over, was des­troyed dur­ing the Second World War. It has now been re­built and houses a Con­gress Centre and mu­seum. The ar­chi­tec­tur­al centre point of the gar­dens has been re­cre­ated to its former glory. In the neigh­bour­ing Berggarten you can dis­cov­er botan­ic­al treas­ures and glass­houses with bloom­ing orch­ids and trop­ic­al plants. The idyll­ic Geor­gengarten is laid out in the style of an Eng­lish land­scape garden and is ideal for walks.

Bloom­ing orch­ids and trop­ic­al plants

You can also pay a vis­it to the Sea Life Aquar­i­um in the Berggarten or the Wil­helm Busch Mu­seum in the Geor­gengarten, go on a fas­cin­at­ing guided tour and stop by at one of the res­taur­ants or cafés in the gar­dens – with all this, you can eas­ily spend a full and en­joy­able day here. From May on­wards the gar­dens are trans­formed in­to an out­door fest­iv­al hall: ad­orned with al­most 60,000 sum­mer flowers and 1,000 tub plants, they form the ven­ue for di­verse events such as the “Kun­st­Fest­Spiele” Her­ren­hausen, the In­ter­na­tion­al Fire­works Com­pet­i­tion, the “Kleines Fest im Großen Garten” and per­form­ances in the his­tor­ic­al Garden Theatre. The reg­u­lar even­ing il­lu­min­a­tions in the Großer Garten are a fur­ther at­mo­sphere-rich spec­tacle. On many sum­mer even­ings, the il­lu­min­a­tions set the scene for re­laxed strolls and pic­nics in the fest­ively il­lu­min­ated gar­dens. The cur­rent dates are an­nounced on the in­ter­net.

Herrenhäuser Gärten Hannover

Herrenhäuser Str. 4
30419 Hannover
Phone: +49 (0) 511 / 16834000


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