Sandkasten, © TMN/ Christian Bierwagen
© TMN/ Christian Bierwagen

Schönin­gen Re­search Mu­seum (Forschungs­mu­seum Schönin­gen)

Kinderferienland Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony)

The Schönin­gen Re­search Mu­seum caters to all age and vis­it­or groups. A var­ied ex­hib­i­tion trans­ports you back to the world of the early in­hab­it­ants of north­ern Ger­many. Loc­ated im­me­di­ately next to the site where ar­chae­olo­gic­al ex­cav­a­tions are still car­ried out today, this ex­hib­i­tion brings re­search to life. You can be­come a re­search­er your­self in the in­ter­act­ive vis­it­ors` labor­at­ory. It is not just chil­dren who are in­vited to join in, ex­per­i­ence and ex­per­i­ment - the whole fam­ily can try out the ana­lyt­ic­al meth­ods used in real re­search and gain a fun in­sight in­to ex­cit­ing as­pects of ar­chae­ology and sci­ence.

Forschungsmuseum Schöningen

Paläon 1
38364 Schöningen


Arrival planning

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