jungle safari, © Serengeti-Park Hodenhagen GmbH
© Serengeti-Park Hodenhagen GmbH
Aqua Safari, © Serengeti-Park Hodenhagen GmbH
© Serengeti-Park Hodenhagen GmbH

Ser­en­geti-Park Hod­en­ha­gen

Africa on Lüneb­urg Heath – the Sepe fam­ily has been run­ning a unique and in­nov­at­ive zoo concept since 1974. Vis­it­ors can see ac­tu­al fam­il­ies of large wild an­im­als up close and in real life in the Ser­en­geti Park Ger­many. In our vast, real­ist­ic drive-through en­clos­ures, vis­it­ors have an im­pres­sion of the co­ex­ist­ence of hu­mans and an­im­als and a real ex­per­i­ence of nature.

As you ob­serve the an­im­als' be­ha­viour, and real­ise that, rather than con­tem­plat­ing past or fu­ture, they fo­cus purely on their ex­ist­ence in the here and now, act­ing and re­act­ing spon­tan­eously or laz­ing around, you will come to real­ise they are nat­ur­al role mod­els for a peace­ful life in the mo­ment. More than 40 rides and shows for all ages await vis­it­ors to the ad­ven­ture and sa­fari park.

Serengeti-Park Hodenhagen GmbH

Am Safaripark 1
29693 Hodenhagen
Phone: +49 (0) 5164 / 97990


Arrival planning

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