Adults and children in the Snow Dome Bispingen, © Berg & Tal Abenteuer Resort
© Berg & Tal Abenteuer Resort

Snow Dome Bis­pin­gen

Wheth­er you are after some zest­ful ski­ing, speedy snow­board­ing or fun to­bog­gan­ing – in Europe’s most mod­ern ski hall you can do it all, in all weath­er con­di­tions, 365 days of the year. The SNOW DOME Bis­pin­gen is the first winter sports arena in North­ern Ger­many. 300 meters long and up to 100 meters wide, the SNOW DOME in the Lüneb­urg Heath will be the widest ski hall in Europe. The in­teri­or of the ski hall fea­tures no sup­port columns; ski lifts are at­tached to the ceil­ing. This en­sures that for the first time, there are no obstacles on the slopes.

Be­sides the 23,000 sqm ski hall it­self, plan­ners paid a lot of at­ten­tion to the gast­ro­nom­ic area. From the mo­ment they enter the ski­ing arena, vis­it­ors feel they are on a winter hol­i­day va­ca­tion: A grand bar area in mod­ern alpine ar­chi­tec­ture in­vites ski­ers and snow­boarders to take "one for the road". A styl­ish coun­try house serves as an à-la-carte res­taur­ant, and a rus­tic ski hut as well as a chalet of­fer great spe­ci­al­it­ies for après-ski.

Of course, the SNOW DOME also fea­tures a rent­al ser­vice, which will equip you with everything you need to hit the slopes: skies, snow­boards, “Zip­fl­bob­s” – Aus­tri­an sledges, ski­ing trousers and jack­ets to com­plete your winter out­fit. Choose from top brands like Atom­ic, Bur­ton and The Lim­it and put them to the test. Be­gin­ners can take their first tent­at­ive swings on a sep­ar­ate slope in the SNOW ACADEMY, watched over by qual­i­fied ski­ing and snow­board in­struct­ors.

SnowWorld Bispingen

Horstfeldweg 9
29646 Bispingen
Phone: +49 (0)5194 – 4311 0


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