Sprengel Museum Hannover, © Sprengel Museum Hannover
© Sprengel Museum Hannover

Spren­gel Mu­seum Han­over

Reisen für Alle

With its fo­cus on Ger­man Ex­pres­sion­ism and French Mod­ern­ism, the Spren­gel Mu­seum Han­nov­er is re­garded as one of the most im­port­ant mu­seums of art of the 20th and 21st cen­tury.

The found­a­tion was laid by the dona­tion of chocol­ate man­u­fac­turer Dr. Bernhard Spren­gel: In 1969, he en­trus­ted his ex­tens­ive col­lec­tion of mod­ern art to the city of Han­over and sup­por­ted the con­struc­tion of the mu­seum. High­lights in­clude works by im­port­ant groups of artists such as "The Bridge" and "The Blue Rider", as well as styles such as Cu­bism and Sur­real­ism. The col­lec­tion in­cludes im­port­ant  works, for ex­ample by Pablo Pi­cas­so, Fernand Léger, Max Beck­mann, Max Ernst, Paul Klee, Emil Nolde, and Kurt Schwit­ters.

By donat­ing more than 400 pieces, in­clud­ing pic­tures, sculp­tures and draw­ings, the ex­ep­tion­al artist Niki de Saint Phalle al­lowed the mu­seum to ex­pand their im­press­ive col­lec­tion. She is known for her Nana sculp­tures, which have be­come the secret land­mark of Han­nov­er.

A spe­cial at­trac­tion of the Spren­gel Mu­seum Han­nov­er, are its rooms de­signed by artists. Among the most fam­ous are the re­con­struc­tion of the le­gendary Merzbau by Kurt Schwit­ters and the light rooms of James Tur­rell.

In the past 30 years, the mu­seum has been ex­pan­ded to in­clude ma­jor trends after 1945, in­clud­ing works by Andy War­hol, Al­ex­an­der Calder, Ger­hard Richter and Sig­mar Polke. In ad­di­tion, pho­to­graphy has be­come an im­port­ant fo­cus.

Sprengel Museum Hannover

30169 Hannover
Phone: +49 (0) 511 / 16843875


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