Thalassozentrum ahoi, © Nordseeheilbad Cuxhaven GmbH
© Nordseeheilbad Cuxhaven GmbH

Thalas­sozen­trum ahoi! Cux­haven

Re­lax, re­cu­per­ate and do something for body and soul’. This is ex­actly what the Thalasso Centre ahoi! of­fers. From a fit­ness stu­dio to a sauna and bathing area to a wide range of spa treat­ments, you will find everything you need to for­get the stresses of every­day life.

Wheth­er it's bright sun­shine or cloudy winter weath­er - you can en­joy the clear, re­vital­ising North Sea wa­ter at any time of year. Twice an hour it's ‘sea surf’ with 80 cm high waves or you can whizz down the 65 metre long slide right in­to the fun. Swim in the spa­cious out­door pool or en­joy a little re­fresh­ment in the pool and sauna res­taur­ant.

The ex­tens­ive thalas­so­ther­apy and well­ness pro­gramme at the North Sea spa re­sort of Cux­haven makes it easy to switch off from the ten­sion, hec­tic pace and stress of every­day life. With in­nov­at­ive of­fers, the Thalasso Centre ahoi! has the right re­cipe against stress and bad moods. Thalasso and well­ness, vi­tal­ity and fit­ness, re­lax­a­tion, fun and en­ter­tain­ment provide new en­ergy.


  •    Wave pool, thermal bath, chil­dren's para­dise, out­door pool, slide, whirl­pool
  •    Pan­or­ama sauna, Ruuso sauna, steam bath, Valo bath, Kelo earth sauna, Tuli sauna, Löyly sauna, sauna ca­ter­ing, sauna garden, roof ter­race, mas­sages
  •     sea­wa­ter baths, mud treat­ments, cos­met­ics, ped­i­cure etc.
  •     Train­ing on mod­ern and er­go­nom­ic car­dio and strength equip­ment


  •     Wa­ter gym­nastics, re­lax­a­tion gym­nastics, aqua courses, swim­ming courses, baby swim­ming
  •     In­fu­sions, honey peel­ing
  •     Cleo­patra bath, hot stone, hot chocol­ate, foot and fa­cial care, sea­wa­ter and mud treat­ments
  •     Step-Fit, In­door Cyc­ling, yoga, vari­ous aqua courses

Nordseeheilbad Cuxhaven GmbH, Thalassozentrum ahoi!

Wehrbergsweg 32
27476 Cuxhaven
Phone: +49 (0) 4721 / 404500


Arrival planning

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