Außenansicht Varusschlacht Museum, © VARUSSCHLACHT Museum und Park Kalkriese / Thomas Weber
© VARUSSCHLACHT Museum und Park Kalkriese / Thomas Weber

Varussch­lacht - The Battle of the Teuto­burg Forest near Osnab­rück

Kinderferienland Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony)
Reisen für Alle

9 AD. large parts of ger­mania are oc­cu­pied by ro­man troops, when Pib­li­us Quinc­tili­us Varus and his army are am­bushed on their re­turn march to their winter camp. The man be­hind the plots is the cheruscan lead­er Armini­us.

The 17th, 18th and 19th le­gions are mas­sacred by Ger­man­ic war­ri­ors in the space of a few days. The tra­gic de­feat has gone down in his­tory as the “Battle of the Teuto­burg Forest”.

The Battle of the Teuto­burg Forest near Osnab­rück is today an in­ter­na­tion­ally pur­sued area of re­search. The ex­hib­i­tion brings the his­tory of this unique site to life and presents an up-to-date over­view based on 20 years of re­search.

Ar­chae­ology, ar­chi­tec­ture and a per­man­ent ex­hib­i­tion form the three pil­lars of the pro­ject, which has re­ceived nu­mer­ous awards and was giv­en the status of European Her­it­age Site by the European Uni­on. Spe­cial ex­hib­i­tions, events and in­ter­act­ive activ­it­ies make it well worth a vis­it.

VARUSSCHLACHT im Osnabrücker Land gGmbH – Museum und Park Kalkriese

Venner Straße 69
49565 Bramsche-Kalkriese
Phone: +49 (0) 5468 / 92040


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