two wolves in Wolfcenter Dörverden, ©

Wolf­cen­ter Dörver­den

Kinderferienland Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony)
Bett und Bike (Bed and Bike)

See the an­im­als in a dif­fer­ent light with daily tours and feed­ing times, “A Night with the Wolves” events, two large per­man­ent ex­hib­i­tions and a film-screen­ing room. Kids will love the chil­dren’s tours on Sundays (plus Wed­nes­days and Fri­days dur­ing the school hol­i­days in Nieder­sachsen (Lower Sax­ony)). We take even more time to an­swer every single ques­tion on these tours.

The little ones can then have fun in the out­door play­ground with the work­ing mine. Vis­it­ors are also more than wel­come to or­gan­ise chil­dren’s birth­day parties here, and the “Wolf­s­revi­er” res­taur­ant is happy to provide child-friendly meals.

If you would like to stay overnight, you can choose between te­pees and the Tree Inn tree­house hotel Ger­many. Wolf­cen­ter Dörver­den is an event­ful day out for all the fam­ily.

Wolfcenter Dörverden

Kasernenstraße 2
27313 Dörverden
Phone: +49 (0) 4234 / 943110


Arrival planning

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