The Große Aue starts its journey in North Rhine-Westphalia and flows into the Weser river approximately 85 km away at Binnen. The grassland river is beautiful, and it is perfect for beginners due to its weak current and low water levels. The Große Aue can be navigated on canoe tours the whole way from Barenburg to Binnen. There are 5 portage areas along the river, which is perfect for 2 to 5-hour introductory canoe trips. Discover the Mittelweser (Middle Weser) region with its typically north German lowland flora and fauna. With a bit of luck, you will also be able to spot endangered species of dragonfly and little grebes on your canoe adventures.
Elevation profile
Nature conservation and navigation instructions
There are no specific navigation rules along this section. Canoers and kayakers can access the river all year round. Generally good water levels.
29 km
29 km
Duration of the tour
Multi-day tours available
Multi-day tours available
Suitable for