Emden lies in the heart of East Frisia: forward thinking is more than just a byword here. No wonder that standing still is an alien concept to the inhabitants of Emden, and visitors too can find plenty to do all year round. Many maritime events are a prominent feature of life in the town. A recce of Emden will uncover cultural beacons such as the East Frisian State Museum, the Emden art gallery and the museum vessels in the Emder Ratsdelft, as well as many pretty little waterways in the town centre. The harbour town offers never-ending photo opportunities with extraordinary vistas. The 1200-year history of the town is closely connected to the sea port. Find out more on a guided tour or on the informative port and canal tours. Lovable and hospitable, traditional and liberal, entertaining and sporty, natural and green: the seaport town of Emden.