Wilhelmshaven is known for its wonderful contrasts. Visitors can relax at the beach, go on a shopping spree or enjoy the town’s cultural highlights here. The exciting history is omnipresent, and yet the green coastal town is modern, ever-changing and surprising.
Water is a recurring theme throughout Wilhelmshaven. Visitors can find one maritime attraction after the other around the Großer Hafen harbour: the Küstenmuseum (Coastal Museum), Aquarium, Deutsches Marinemuseum (German Naval Museum), UNESCO Wadden Sea World Heritage Visitor Centre and tours of the harbour are popular among the general public. The Südstrand (South Beach) is the perfect place for a swim or stroll.
Annual events such as the "Wochenende an der Jade" (Weekend on the Jade), the International StreetArt Festival or the Wilhelmshaven Sailing CUP are popular with locals and visitors alike.
A wide array of events as well as award-winning hotels and restaurants cater to every taste and provide all the ingredients for a varied holiday. Wilhelmshaven is worth the trip no matter the season!