Rammelsberg is one of the most outstanding industrial monuments in Europe. The Rammelsberg Mines are said to date back some three millennia. Originally copper ore was mined for the production of bronze, as well as small quantities of silver to produce coins. Lead ore has been mined since the 15th century and, in recent years before the mine was closed, zinc ore and barite were also important products.
The mine, which was closed in 1988, is now a museum and visitor mine and provides a unique glimpse into the history of mining from its earliest beginnings to the present day. Apart from four museum buildings, the descent into the mine to discover its “underground” world is guaranteed to be an unforgettable experience. The mine railway takes visitors on a journey through the history of mining in the 20th century.
Rammelsberg Mine also offers outstanding meeting and event space both above and below ground. The event calendar, literally brimming over with events, completes what’s on offer at Rammelsberg Mine.