View of the Eulenspiegel Museum in Schöppenstedt, © Sebastian Petersen
© Sebastian Petersen

Brun­swick­er Land – Till Eu­lenspiegel

The stories of the crafty rascal who plays fantastic pranks, holds up a mirror and is thus much cleverer than it would appear, still has fans, both young and old, today. Many of his stories are set in the foothills of the Harz mountains around Brunswick (Braunschweiger Land). This is where the first book about Eulenspiegel originated, who is still today one of the most important literary figures of Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony). The Eulenspiegel Museum in Schoppenstedt near Wolfenbüttel pays homage to the legendary jester.

TourismusRegion Braunschweiger Land e.V.

Frankfurter Straße 284
38122 Braunschweig
Phone: +49 (0) 531 / 1218200


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