The fresh sea breeze follows cyclists from Wadden Sea National Park through the maritime region of the Unterelbe river, past tiny towns and orchards to Hamburg. The quiet and pristine Flusslandschaft Elbe Biosphere Reserve does visitors the world of good.
It was voted one of the most popular cycle routes in Germany (ADFC RadReiseAnalyse 2023).
Route and sights
The Elberadweg from Cuxhaven and Brunsbüttel to Wittenberge unveils 340 kilometres of fascinating insights into the nature and culture of a 1,260 km long-distance cycle path. The route takes cyclists through sleepy little towns as well as the vibrant metropolis of Hamburg, and crosses Wadden Sea National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, in addition to Hamburg’s Elbmarsch and the Elbtalaue (Elbe valley floodplain). In the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Flusslandschaft Elbe, visitors find themselves in pristine natural surroundings, as plants and animals had been left undisturbed here along the Inner German border for decades. A trip on one of the many cruise vessels along the Elbe may be a worthwhile addition to your tour, as cyclists are more than welcome to enjoy a short – or long – stint on the water. Alternatively, cyclists can enjoy a relaxing day off on board one of the vessels.